mirinsesh Member


  • You need to yolo it up and just guesstimate. After using food scales for quite a while I can usually just guess the portion sizes. Of course you could usually just flatly add 700-1000 calories without thinking too hard about it. Most normal sized dishes equal to somewhere around that calorie size. Overestimate calories if…
  • tl;dr maybe it's time to wake up, get back to the basics and realize a couple of simple truths 1) counting calories will always remain king for gaining/losing weight. ALWAYS 2) counting macros of those counted calories influences how healthy you are are while gaining/losing weight 3) there are no miracles. stop fussing…
  • I actually sorta respect vegans/vegetarians more who do it out of their moral convictions rather than the generic "to be healthy" reasoning. I mean hell, if you want to go against nature and fundamentally change your life, might as well have a strong reason for it Hey man, I hear old age is heavily correlated with a higher…
  • and the human Earth population keeps getting larger and larger because we keep sustaining that growth, requiring ever more and more food to be produced and animals killed to feed the hungry mouths. but surely you'd flinch at the idea of doing something about that rampant population growth? also how is eating meat a CHOICE…
  • there are no fat burning foods that are relevant to the goal of burning fat and people should stop searching for them. people are always searching for shortcuts brb eating 12kg of celery per day because it "burns calories"
  • vegetarians are so much healthier than meat eaters that you will have to hunt down and eat some exotic and obscure plants as well as multivitamin pill supplements just to not get any malnutrition symptoms from missing micronutritients I wonder if any vegetarians put their cat or dog pets on veg food to be consistent with…