Fodao Member


  • I am on a Fitbit - it's actually what brought me to this site (their food logging is less than desirable.) Most of my exercise is in the late afternoon or evening. I've made it a habit to go for a longish, fast-paced walk every evening. A few nights a week I'll drag myself up a nearby butte (small mountain, if you're from…
  • SW: 237.6 CW: 235.4 (-2.2) GW: 218.6 My Fitbit registered, for this week, 14 workouts for a total of 534 active minutes (nearly 9 hours!) So far so good. I was aiming for -1.5 a week, so this is a bonus. Be interesting to see what happens next week. Best day this week was yesterday, when I got out for a winter hike with my…
  • I do it as well. It doesn't bother me to see nothing happen (or that I go a pound or two up.) I just figure it's like the stock market or climate change: it may dip and roll and rise and fall, but it's the long-term trends that count. I'm interested to learn how weight loss works, so I'd rather have too much data than not…
  • I hear that! That, and the ads. One thing that drove me up the wall with the XBox 360 was the pervasive ads. If I'm paying for service, I don't wants ads. Make your service free, then you can ad me to death...
  • I've never thought of a cheat day. I don't think I need one, really. I'm still eating quite a bit, I've just shifted my eating habits from fast, cheap processed and frozen foods to proper ingredients and homemade meals. I've also amped my exercise way up (which was really the main reason I've gained so much weight in the…
  • It happens...but if it's just one mistake in a day, it can be ironed out over the week, I'm sure. Treat it like you would money credit: pay it off over the next few days by throwing an extra 5-15 minutes on a few workouts, or go for a few extra walks in the evenings. I think that's the benefit of this journaling thing.…
  • I agree. I didn't even like coffee until 10 years ago. I forced myself to drink it until I liked it because I was tired of paying $2 a shot for energy drinks. If you treat your coffee as a.m. fuel, like I suspect most of us do, it shouldn't be a problem. Your taste will acclimate and you'll end up craving your big mug of…
  • I'm having fish, too. There was some tilapia on sale yesterday, so I picked it up. I'll probably cook it up with butter, onions and dill (the usual fare for me), maybe roast some green beans before they go bad, and make some rice.
  • I'll have to try this. I can't stand plain water unless I'm really thirsty (after going without on a hot day, or after a workout). This certainly has to be better for you than diet soda and/or Crystal Light--two staples in my day-to-day consumption.
    in Recipes Comment by Fodao January 2014
  • At the risk of drowning in a sea of estrogen in here :) -- Sorry ladies, my breasts are NOT my favorite part of my body at the moment. LOL But I do like my legs. Even with all my weight gain in the last year, my hiker's stovepipes look healthy as ever (and why not? they're getting more of a workout!) I also recently…
  • Same here, except I do it every day because I love watching data over time, and I'm not disheartened by day-to-day fluctuations. It just makes sense to do it first thing. I'm already in my underwear, my belly and bladder are empty, and the scale is right there. Only takes a second...
  • After a lot of research and consideration, I switched from the Xbox (360) to the PS(4). I think they're both great systems, but your choice probably depends on what you want out of your console. I don't watch television or share the gaming monitor w/any TV-watchers, so none of the TV integration features appealed to me. I…
  • When I was doing some landscaping a few summers ago, I was hooked to Gatorade's new cucumber and lime flavor -- it was such a killer, refreshing combo. I wonder if there's any way to make a similarly flavored H2O?
  • I actually set up a proper camera on a tripod and used the timer to take mine. I figured the pictures should represent what other people see, and nobody I know views me with a rakish angle in a mirror or from the end of my outstretched hand. I think I might re-shoot it today or tomorrow though, because I took the original…
  • I noticed this as well with myself! Nearly every day I'd want to take a nap just a few hours after I woke up because I had no energy--even if I slept for 11-12 hours. If I didn't have anything to do that day, those naps would sometimes span 2-3 hours. It was totally freaking me out...
  • It was a combination of things for me. I just came out of a yearlong slump (thanks to my choosing to stay in a caustic relationship with a selfish, manipulative person) with bad habits that included: heavy drinking (I have a history of alcohol abuse, unfortunately), reckless eating (I was binging 1-2 times a day), and 2…
  • I just went through a ton of research and wound up getting me the Fitbit Force last Saturday. Here's my long-winded take: I can't say I know too much about Polar devices aside from the fact that the company specializes in health monitoring (when I took a rugby exercise class in college years ago, everyone was wearing Polar…
  • Whenever I have to keep at something I don't want/like, I have to fixate on a powerful emotion I've associated with my goal. The next time you are hit with a wave of emotion, either good or bad, concerning your goal (such as: a comment from an esteemed family member about how different you look, or the latest (or even…
  • Nothing specific in mind so far, though I would love to summit St. Helens again some time. For now, just tackling the local cinder cones in the area will be work enough.
  • Brand new to the whole conscious fitness/dieting thing. I got me a Fitbit, registered for this site, and I'm hoping to be ready for the hiking trails this spring. This seems like a cool group, and I'm looking for all the motivation I can get: SW: 237.6 GW: 218.6 (and then some -- I'm just aiming for -1.5 a week for 90…
  • I'm Raimie. I'm 38, Oregonian, I'm recently graduated from college, and I'm trying to lose the weight I tacked on in the last few years from holing up in the house 24/7 studying and playing games (it's cheap entertainment!) I play pretty much any game under the sun (my primary platforms are PS4, Xbox 360, Steam OSX and…
  • Hey there! I'm Raimie. I'm 38, I live in Bend (and I'm a proud native of C.O.!), and I joined MFP to try to motivate me to get my body back in its 2011-2012 form. I've really fallen out of shape in the last few years, partly in thanks to college (recently graduated!) and partly in thanks to a bit of a lifestyle slump…