Kansascitysue Member


  • COUNT ME IN, PLEASE! I am 6'0" tall and have another 65 #'s to lose. Wow. I am truley impressed and happy to see so many women "our size" that is on here! Thanks, Ladies! I feel like I just broke thru a wall I hadn't realized was in the way!!
  • Hi! I'm Susan ... I am in Kansas City, MO. It is wonderful to have people in my area (as well as the United States - amazing how many support groups for weight loss are over seas!) to have in a support group. I have had the lap band 2 years ago and have hit a plateau. I can honestly say ... no matter how you try to lose…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Susan ... Nice to meet you! I was banded on 12-30-12. No regrets. Contrary to popular belief, the lapband is NOT the easy way out! It is a lot of work. I have been up and down - just like any other diet - due to knee surgery and quitting smoking. But! I believe that I have finaly found my "sweet spot" or…