johngeorgimus Member


  • Hi I totally agree with Ready2Rock206. Just relax, take a deep breath and take things 1 step at a time. Concentrate on your calorie goal but don't waste to much stress on the breakdown of the cals. You will instincts will tell you if you are on the right track and 1lb per week steady loss is what you are looking for. I…
  • P>S> You look a great weight in your profile pic so don't loose too much or you will disappear!:happy:
  • Hi Sorry to hear about the leg, have you considered hopping?! Seriously though, any activity that raises your heart rate is good for burning calories. Assuming you will move around using crutches, this will burn loads of calories. Also don't forget that toning your abdominal muscles or any muscles will help increase your…
  • A lot of people lose motivation by weighing themselves to often. If you weigh yourself after you pig out for example, you will put on a few pounds and then get all miserable. Only weigh in once a week at the same time first thing in the morning. Remember, you do not have to be under your calorie target every day so long as…
  • I go to two different spin classes, 1 on a Saturday and 1 on Thursday. I always get a better workout with the Saturday one who always plays great music. The Thursday one is boring and always feels like a real effort. Music can make or break a class. Goodluck x John
  • Hi. I read your story and I think it sounds exactly like myself. You CAN stay motivated by just losing that small amount each week you will get to your target and that is the safest and healthiest way to get there. 2lb per week = 1 st every seven weeks. Thats over 7 st a year or an amazing 52lb!!!! Keep going you are doing…