whiskeypony Member


  • I've found when I'm flaring with Crohn's that anything white probably isn't going to hurt my gut. :) That list from Rodarose looks great! Things that work for me: melon Well-aged cheeses coconut anything eggs & quiches mushrooms jersey/guernsey cow or goat milks (A2 beta caseins are a fascinating thing to research if…
  • it does get better - although I still have a decent buffalo hump on my shoulders from a 3 year stint of prednisone from seven years ago. The moon face dissolved pretty quickly, though. I've found that drinking an abnormal amount of water - like two gallons a day - helped keep the weight loss away the last time I had to…
  • I have Crohn's Disease and over the past decade I have tried twelve different diets for three months each - vegan, vegetarian, FODMAPs, SCD, whole 30, nightshade-free, grain-free, dairy-free, brassica-free, and a handful more - and I have found diet has no impact on my disease. This is not to say that some foods are not…