The calorie in calorie out statement unfortunately has a couple moving targets, and two areas that most sites don't mention. (1)The BMR calculation is merely an estimate and is not 100% accurate. The problem with estimates is that while for many it is close, for others it is widely inaccurate (outlier). The old put in your…
I would recommend making it yourself. One of the premises of a detox is not that the detox itself will cleanse your system, as your body cleanses your system; but that many people tax their bodies by putting in so many impurities. By eating "cleaner" for the lack of a better word, your body has the ability to not have to…
Card Shark
It is a lot harder not only to afford healthier foods when you are poor, but it is also harder to find healthier foods in your neighborhood. During my life I have been poor (below the poverty level poor), lower middle class (poor and above the poverty level); middle class and upper middle class. When I was poor and middle…
I weigh myself once a week on Sunday and the most frustrating thing is when you weigh yourself and you are either the same weight or more. Especially when you are so cautious about weighing & measuring your food, recording everything you eat, etc. It can be demoralizing at times, but I knew this was going to be a long haul…
Current Job: Accountant Between January 31 - April 15th I would prefer to do anything else. LOL
Your Quote: "Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics." Pillorying definition: to expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse Are you kidding. Exposing someone to…
Jesus. The original poster has a legitimate question for which she is seeking answers and instead of answering the question in a logical manner you continue with the mocking and or denigration of this diet without specifically answering her question. Seems like while your opinion of the diet is that it is "illogical" you…
There is an old saying "I am the king or queen of my castle." When you live in someone else's home you must abide by their rules which means they do not have to change how they interact with you. However, you are the queen of your personage. You can say no to the food and stay in the home & be subjected to some comments…
Horseradish is a nice substitute. I never thought I would like it mixed with tuna until my friend gave me the tuna mix without telling me.
The lady looks fabulous and has the right to post whatever picture of her achievements in getting back in shape. I don't think anyone has a problem with that at all, in fact kudos to her. However, she is acting in a self-righteous manner by implying "look at me I look great, why can't you do the same." People need to learn…
Dog gone it I would chase that cat Theo up a tree and take a whiz on the rocks of Melham.
I am fairly new to this site and am still in the process of losing weight and learning more about proper nutrition, but feel free to add me if you would like. PS: I am a bad jokester Joke: What is the last thing that goes through a flies mind when it hits a windshield at 70mph? Answer: His *kitten*.
I agree Monkey FWB relationships are very hard to work out. Usually one party will start developing feelings and want to take the relationship to a level where the other party does not. Also, sometimes people feel awkward about telling their FWB partner that they have found someone and want a relationship with the other…
dog treats
The man you were with from what you stated was 100% honest with you. When you initially wanted a "relationship" he told you what he wanted. He didn't lie and say yes you are his gf and then creep around. He let you know what this was. Then when you heard he was with another women(whether it was a platonic dinner or not)…
petting dog
I tell you I get no respect, none at all. All my life I have had nothing but one night stands. Women can't stand but one night with me.
Like Rodney Dangerfield I tell you I get no respect. I told my wife let's make love it counts as a cardio workout routine. 30 minutes later the guy she was cheating on me taps me on the shoulder and says there is a 30 minute limit with the equipment and with asks if I can let him work in.
@Anna, while losing 10 lbs in two weeks is not usually advised, I am curious as to why you require this 10lbs weight loss in a 2 week span. I was a former student athlete (a long time ago) and this was regularly done with ease by those who played sports which required them to hit certain weigh ins like Boxing, wrestling,…
bump for later reading.
A woman who pays for the dinner and the movie. You know she wants something when that happens.
Not sure if by "Vanity Sizes" you mean stores are now says a Size 12 equates to pants with a waist size of x inches and length of x inches. One of the perks of being a man when shopping is that we have the truth in advertising of size. You want pants you measure your waist and inseam. You want a shirt you measure your…
This add is not saying that "Real Women" are size 16-36. Rather the advert is merely stating the clothes have been designed for women sizes 16-36. Many times in the past clothing designers designed clothes for a certain size woman as the felt the clothing would look better on a certain body type. They would they get women…
Several studies have shown those who weigh themselves daily versus weekly or otherwise tend to lose or maintain weight better than those who do not. However, you should note that weights will fluctuate daily depending on your sodium to potassium intake (which can result in excess water being temporarily held), also not…
I think the problem is not with the "concept of what is normal sized, underweight or overweight," but rather other people's so called need to tell people what they believe is a normal size. In this thread people have even posted about the opposite of your case stating that plus size models need to go as it sets a bad…
I have this issue as well. After researching the internet I learned that there is a condition known as post-prandial hypotension. What happens is that the blood pressure drops suddenly after eating a meal. In order for the digestive process to take place, more blood than is usually available in the stomach and intestines…
Yes I know. I am told over and over no one insults anyone on these boards, it is merely sarcasm. And yet sarcasm by definition is meant to insult one or to taunt. When I can get over how sarcasm is not meant to insult when by its definition it is meant to insult I will be a better man. And yes I know sarcasm can be used as…
HI Rgv2. I wasn't mad at anyone asking for the lady to provide support for her claims. I think it is actually a good thing as it brings more information to the table. And several people did ask for support from the lady and I applaud them for that wholeheartedly. These message boards are chock full of information which…