Omnidir Member


  • I am on the third book in the WOOL series. My preference is Audio books... allows for moving when you are "reading". I also use Audible, concentrating on books that I can get cheaper than the credit price. The first is Wool: Silo, #1; Wool, #1-5 By Hugh Howey In a ruined and toxic landscape, a community exists in a giant…
  • The website I saw selling this product had totally unbelievable pictures of before and after pictures. in 22 days the subjects went from flabby, belly overhanging their underwear to 6 pack abs. No way did all that fat and flabby skin turn to "perect body" in 22 days. The claim was it was done without dieting and exercise.…
  • From reading this and your other posts: Get a LARGE fruit dish, place it on the table to block your sight of the candy. Fill with fruit or decorations. Move your trash can under the desk or somewhere that they cannot put the wrappers in it. Get another trash can to put by the candy dish where you cannot see it.
  • the "don't eat after 7pm theory is based on someone who works a standard .. up at 6am. bed by 10 pm" type schedule. Since you are subject to being awake any of 24 hours straight, your eating pattern should be modified to when you are awake to eat. As long as you log all your food, the when is not the important part.
  • From Urban Dictionary : A pollotarian (aka a pollovegetarian or a pollo-vegetarian) is someone who will not eat the flesh of any red meat mammals, but does include chicken, turkey and other poultry. They may or may not also exclude fish, seafood or products like eggs and dairy from their diet. Reasons for exclusion vary…
  • From Wikapedia: Post hoc ergo propter hoc, Latin for "after this, therefore because of this", is a logical fallacy (of the questionable cause variety) that states "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened to simply post hoc. It is subtly different from the fallacy cum…
  • I would figure what the salad dressing calories were and reduce accordingly. For example, the last one I got had 4.5 servings, 1.5 TBS per serving Ranch Dressing (so 1.5 x 4).. 6 TBS.. and if I ate 1/2 then figure out the calories for 3 TBS of full fat ranch dressing. .. subtract that from the package calories to get a…