

  • I am 5'9 and currently weigh 218 lbs and wear a size 18W. My goal is to get down to 180 for sure and then see how I feel then. I think this is how much I weighed in college and wore a MIsses size 14/16. I am a pretty large-framed gal....take after my Dad! Broad shoulders and wide hips....makes for hard work finding clothes…
  • I just got back on the wagon too! I am going to add you as a friend...I need help getting motivated and STAYING motivated. Ugh.....it is so hard! Let's help each other!
  • Bump - I have been wondering the SAME thing. Would love to try one or the other.
  • Bump! I should have some eggplant from the garden soon.....
  • Um - YES!! I experience it, too. Actually, I tend to gain a few pounds during my TOM week. NOT fun. When I feel crampy/bloated, I keep exercising - it always helps!
  • I toast a whole wheat english muffin and make myself a homemade egg mcmuffin. Add a poached egg, slice of american cheese and a slice of turkey bacon. Since I keep turkey bacon cooked and in the freezer, it is really quick and easy prep! And it is quite yummy!
  • You look fantastic! Keep up the great work!!!
  • Sorry! It is supposed to be 1 AND 1/4 c. flour! Glad everyone is enjoying these. I just love them! :)
  • My favorite easy breakfasts are: whole wheat english muffin with a poached egg, cheese, and one sice of bacon - YUM! An egg mcmuffin at home! frozen waffles with strawberry cream cheese - by far the easiest thing to do...plus, you can take it to go!
  • I was the same way when I started! I would go ahead and push through it, but just do the modified moves that are a little easier. Once you get started, your muscles will loosen up and it will feel good! When I first started, I did Level 1 very sporadically because I work full time and have 3 kids...which means I am VERY…
  • I haven't had a DP since February. For me, I had to give it up cold turkey. I tried to reduce to just one per day, but that just made me want it more. It was hard, but after about week, the craving stops. Cutting out all that sugar in DP has made a HUGE difference in my weight and energy. Good luck!
  • I just sent you a request! I am 32 years old and trying to lose about 50 pounds, too. I have lost 16 so far, but still have a ways to go. My starting weight was 234, so we are pretty close in our "stats." :) I need all the help and motivating I can get!
  • I've heard of people putting cream cheese on waffles and pancakes. I've never tried it but it's worth a try! Bluberries are always yummy!
    in Pancakes Comment by jcreedy April 2011
  • As my husband would say - turkeys don't have bacon! They have to add so much crap into the turkey bacon to make it look like and barely taste like real bacon. I stick to the real stuff....just in moderation!