

  • hi :) good luck n i no u can do it. 'just remember dat we all hav bad days but u can trn that anger into a incredible workout' lol sumone tld me dat n idk i thot it mit b ispirational for u. sry if not :) good luck
  • hi :) im only a younge teen but tryin to do da same. good luck on losing pounds. i believe ur futture will b bright :) good luck
  • okk. look i understand wat da website is for. n i said is it possible to lose 35 pnds buy april. u dnt needa b rude n say dat im guna ruin my body or sumthng. it was just a question. another thing is i hav a problem with stress. skool is stressful for me n although i love to b doin alot at once n being stressd out, my body…
  • lol the thng is though i will drink water but then i gota pee lik crazy. my body dusnt observ it. n idk y
  • first id lik to say thank you for ur help. it does help n dats alot of water i need to drink n dats my other problem...i barly evn drink i cup a day. its not that i dnt lik water its just idk. doesnt fancy me u no? n thats horribl sayin :( n i no im dehydrated but idk i cnt seem to drink the water i need to evryday God…
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