

  • You are exactly right! Thanks for the insight! :smile:
  • Thanks for all the great ideas! I will definitely try and utilize some of the ideas! I know a lot of it is just getting the right amount of food during the day so I don't starve by the time night comes! I just need to find a good balance in my eating/working out schedule. And keeping certain foods out of the house will…
  • Thank you all so much for your input! It's so nice to have people to talk to who know what I'm experiencing. I will try and up the calories...hopefully that will help!! It's just hard to get that thought of eating more to lose weight through my head, even though it does make sense! :smile:
  • Thanks for all the input! As far as the calories go...I honestly feel satisfied with the amount of food I am eating. I eat a couple hundred calories 3 or 4 times a day and usually come in close to 1200. I like how I no longer eat a huge meal and then feel stuffed. But then I go to the gym and burn off 7 or 800. So that…