

  • What kind did you get?
  • Actually, the ride is two days, so around 100 miles per day for two consecutive days. There is an option to do it in one day but I'll probably take both days. Borrowing one is a good idea. I'll check with our bike shop and see if they know of anyone who might have a loaner or if they do it themselves.
  • Thanks for all the responses so far. Unfortunately, spin class is not an option for me. We live in a small town and the spin class is full in the only gym that offers it here. I'd like to look at getting a trainer for my bike. Any suggestions on a good one to look at? They seem to be rather expensive. The ride in July is…
  • True that it is personal preference. Personally, I do not do heavy cardio on days that I do heavy strength training -- but I always incorporate some cardio into my strength training. The opposite is not true: I do not incorporate strenght training into a heavy cardio day. In a typical week, I do heavy cardio every other…
  • I totally disagree with Azdak. Not only do you increases your metabolic rate through strength training, but you also burn calories for hours afterward as well. The exact number of calories burned per workout depends on intensity, workout time and body composition -- so that is more likely the reason that there is not a way…