

  • I am totally in and up for this challenge! Weighed myself today and I'm actually 10lbs away from having lost 100lbs!!! I'm a longtime user of MFP when it comes to counting calories and logging in my food diaries, but I'm not sure how to add friends.
  • I don't have cheat days, but I do have "cheat snacks" every once in a while. Ice cream, sherbert, chocolate mini's, etc... usually when I get those "cravings" -- but always in moderation. Don't want to open the flood gates! I get my quick fix and move on. "Cheat days" are reserved for special occasions for me. Holidays,…
  • I think it's natural to get into a lull every once in awhile, but that certainly doesn't mean you've fallen off the bandwagon. Think of it as a "break!" I know that I was on a killer "streak" and one day, for whatever reason, I forgot to log my food. One day turned into two, then three, and before I knew it, I hadn't used…
  • Great job, keep the fantastic job -- power to ya!
  • Inspiring - your transformation is a great motivation! Thank you and continued success!