

  • Congratulations, and well done. You did it.
  • I am the same. I prefer to work out at night as is am a night owl. I just got back from a 75 hot yoga session and it's 10pm. It definitely not strange. As long as you are getting your workout in then you are good. Doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Just be safe if you walk to and from the gym, but if you drive or work out…
  • I need serious advice to know if i have been doing this weight loss thing right. I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice for someone that doesnt do much activities. I am not working right now,and im on break from school for the summer. i eat my regular amount of calories,but i dont know if its as effective as not…
  • The same happened to me yesterday. i had easter dinner with my bf's family and i found it hard to track how many calories i had,but when i got on the scale i had only gained 2 pounds which i was'nt too happy about.