majorfedfan Member


  • Cascade Ice is like drinking diet soda but without the bad stuff in it
  • Thanks! The first couple days are hard, but once I get through those I can be disciplined till the PMS hits. Hoping I can make myself stick with it longer this time. Congrats on getting some results yourself. Keep going!
  • Hi, I'm turning 50 next month & have been struggling with perimenopause issues for several years, though still having regular periods, unfortunately. My biggest issue when it comes to weight loss (I've gained 10-15 lbs in the last few years) is that as soon as I get into the second half of my cycle I'm super hungry,…
  • I am 48 and have been in perimenopause for a couple years, struggling mostly with moods and weight gain. I can lose some weight the first half of my cycle but once PMS hits I have no discipline and eat whatever I want. Then of course I gain the weight back plus some. Don't know how to get past this totally frustrating…