

  • I just ran my first half a few weeks ago. I drank at every other water station. I even walked a few paces to make sure I was actually drinking the water as opposed to wearing it. I used a gel at the halfway point. I feel like this really worked for me. I've done plenty of long training runs (8-10 miles) without water or…
  • I just started running in March, and have quickly come to love what I used to loathe. I didn't start off using any C25K programs or anything like that, just lots of walking at first. My biggest motivator was being able to burn more calories in half the time. My advice to you would be 1) Push yourself walking first. Do…
  • I've lost 57 pounds with MFP, and though my eating habits are pretty repetitive, I rarely deprive myself nor do I "run out" of calories. I'm doing 1360 calories/day, plus whatever I've earned with exercise; I'm trying to taper down from weight loss mode to maintenance mode. I agree with a previous post about bread. I eat a…