

  • So here is my update so far on Ideal Protein: After one month I have lost 20 lbs, 14.75" and I am down to size 15 from 18. Pretty good. And I don't feel hungry anymore.
  • Today it will be my third weight in. I can't wait
  • For all those who are on IP programs, I encourage you to not give up. It is an amazing program. And for those who think that the IP program is not a good one, trust me, it is. I used to be size 10 before I had my 2 boys 10 years ago and since, I have been struggling with the weight. I tried the weight watchers for about 4…
  • Hi basiplin, I like the idea of exercising after 3 weeks of IP. Next week will be my third week. Any exercise in mind that you can suggested to me? I have a treadmill at home. Will that be good enough? Thanks
  • I am so exited. So I went for my weight in yesterday and now I am down 4.6 lbs. So in total I am down 12.6 lbs in just 2 weeks. I was size 18 and now I am down to size 16. I am so happy. And for the recipes, I found this website and it is so good for all phases http://andoverdietcenter.com/ideal-protein/recipes?cat=29.…
  • Ok. So it has been a week since I posted that I was going on IP diet. Yesterday I went for a weight in and I lost 8lbs!!. I mean, this IP diet works great. And I don't feel hungry at all. My knees don't hurt anymore when I take stairs. It is amazing. Let see how much I will loose this week!!:happy: :happy: :happy:
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