Yiriandur Member


  • Samoas. None other. Was introduced to them last year in America, and i am so glad here in the Netherlands they only sell the ripoff brand in -one- store i know, some 2 hours away from here. Sadly i'm going to the building next to the store tomorrow...........................
  • Well, I just returned today.. The past 3 months have been an emotional roller-coaster, in which i didn't see the purpose to keeping up diet checking and sporting anymore. Lost the motivation i guess, and I was confronted with the fact that i'm getting closer to my starting weight again of 5-6 months ago, this week. I had…
  • Started SI6 slowly a few weeks ago, as I realised I was -by far- not as fit as i thought i was anymore. I in fact looked at doing a higher level program, and was disappointed in myself that i couldn't do it. The name put me off a bit, because well, it sounds like any hallmark dieting program that you don't want to brag…
  • My NSG is to fit all the clothes in my closet again and not have to wear the same few things all the time - as I refuse to buy new clothes for my current size (never have been this large a size ever before until a month or three ago) at this point while i'm kicking weight loss and exercising into gear.