

  • Silence was the response to my first round of losing weight 2 yrs ago. I lost 30lbs in a little under 2months. I showed up at my sister inlaws baby shower and ppl just starred in silence as soon as I walked in. AWKWARD:embarassed:
  • You can do it! the number is overwhelming but lets focus on the number of lbs you have already lost...60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are doing great. Lets try to have fun with it and view this wieght loss journey as a new way of life. When we focus on the hard work, the number it can really weigh heavily on the mind, but if we…
  • Please add me too. I have a 100 lbs to lose by Sept 13 2014...I just offically started today to make my mind up. I signed up earlier this week but my mind wasn't totally made up until this morning. I signed up to a gym two nights ago and I plan on going tonight. Since I injured my knee, I love using the eliptical;…
  • I have a 100lbs to lose too and I am hoping to lose it within a year. Motivation has been a struggle but I am determine too
  • I believe you can do it. It's not how fast you finish and complete your goal, but the fact you meet your goals and expectations. I didn't gain my weight until I was in my latter part of age 18. I moved in with my hubby who was my boyfriend then and I gained like 40lbs in less than 6 months. It wasnt the amount of food but…