lau444 Member


  • Sure! As long as you're not on a starve/binge cycle (900 calories today/3100 calories tomorrow) type of thing, then it's perfectly fine. A lot of people go by weekly numbers instead of daily numbers.
  • Hello! I'm 27 y.o. and in the same boat as you. I have about 163 lbs left to lose (176 TOTAL!). Would love to have some friends with goals close to my own. Feel free to add me!
  • You're completely right about taking it slow. Over-doing it is the easiest way to get discouraged. I've been at it for about 5 months, and I've honestly found that it gets a little easier every day. I still have my "slip-up" days, and I don't mind them because I'm still learning. I think the key is to be honest with…
  • Absolutely wonderful story! I am sorry to hear about the loss of your wife, but like you said, I'm certain she is sooooo happy for you and the positive changes you've made. You are quite an inspiration! And quite HANDSOME, too. Keep up the great work!
  • The crazy thing is that even though I've always been overweight, I've never had low self-esteem. Thanks to a lovely family and beautiful friends. And GOD. But I always knew I was setting myself up for health trouble. Several different cancers runin my family, and being 300+ pounds at 25 was putting me right in line. My…
  • Had my picture taken at my friend's sister's quinceancera.
  • I'm surprised that BMI is still used so widely to measure health since its such a flawed equation. I go by: waist circumference BP/RHR Blood sugar Cholesterol BF% muscle mass BMI can make an perfectly fit person seem unhealthy, but none of these numbers lie.
  • I have a large scare on my right inner forearm. When I was 7, I had a bad flu and my humidifier was next to my bed on the floor. Well, at some point during the night, I fell out of bed and my are landed on the steam vent of the humidifier. I must have been really knocked out from the midicine because I didn't wake up for…
  • Sleeping with the Enemy (LAURAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!) Purple Rain Entrapment
  • I happen to love the dress (color and style). I LOVE when heavily tattooed women wear dainty, feminine clothes. The juxtaposition is very beautiful to me. I DO, however, think that the belt should be much skinnier and in a bright color like yellow, pink, red or orange. Congrats on all of your hard work!
  • “What do tigers dream of when they take their little tiger snooze? Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit? Don’t you worry your pretty striped head, we’re gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed. And then we’re gonna find our best friend Doug, and then we’re gonna give him a best…
  • Hi :smile: I have well over 100 lbs to lose, so I'm definitely in! Anybody feel free to add me.
  • I have old-fashion oatmeal a few times a week. I add cocoa powder, peanut butter and brown sugar and choc. chips, mmmm! And it's under 400 cals.
  • Great job! You look fantastic, and your son is gorgeous!
  • So far, I've lost my 2 y.o. godson, :noway: And my ultimate goal is to lose an average adult male :-/
  • I noticed after 15 lbs because my pants were a lot looser and I didn't get as inded going up my stairs. I've lost close to 30 and my sister is the only who has noticed, LOL. Usually, the people who see you everyday (family, co-workers) take a long time to notice because they see you as you're changing. It's the people who…
  • Saying bye bye to the 300s for good. I'm only 10lbs away :-)
  • Absolutely. It doesn't matter what place you come in as long as you do your best.
  • I get my BF% and H2o% measured by my dostor every 2 months. Plus, I think it's important to add that O eat about 2,000 cal a day, with great attention to my protein (most days :-)). I doubt I could build muscle if I were eating 1200-1300 a day.
  • Funny you made this topic today since I've been ravenous for the past three days. My only solution has been to simply eat more. Luckily, i keep pretty good things in the house (fruits, veg, nuts and yogurt), so I just allow myself an extra 300-500 cals for a few days. The worst thing to do is try to ignore it. I've tried…
  • I believe I have a large frame, which puts my happy weight at 149.5, which is about 10 pounds less than my current UGW, so we'll see.
  • Well, I'm no scientist, but over the past 3.5 months, I've lost 34lbs of fat and gained 8lbs of muscle, so I'd say yes it is possible to gain muscle on a deficit. Obviously I'll never lose fat and gain muscle at the same rate, but I've definitely built muscle. I do pay close attention to my protein and water intake, and i…
  • -Because I figure if I'm at home with nothing better to do, I should get off my butt for 45 minutes and exercise instead of just watching tv. -Because I always feel proud afterwards -Because I get to eat more -Because I live in such a beautiful city, why not walk around and explore it? -Because I'm too young to get winded…
  • I workout at home (6 days a week) I bought a treadmill from HSN on monthly payments, and I have a TON of exercise dvds (leslie sansone, tae bo, supreme 90 day). Youtube has a lot of great cardio and strenth training videos to choose from, and since I bought a HRM, some days I just put on my music and dance for 40 minutes.…
  • Just had some this afternoon! Peanut Butter Cup:smile: And surprisingly, I weigh out one serving and don't eat any more. Which is a big change for me because I use to just sit down with the tub and a spoon.
  • croissant (I was insane as a child) mushroom soup clam chowder Liver (I will NEVER like liver:sick: )
  • Honestly, I don't get the point of these studies. The American economy makes BILLIONS of dollars a year from obesity-related medications and supplies. Not to mention the $$ pouring in each year to the weight loss industry. I find it hypocritical of these government organizations to perform these studies, pointing fingers…
  • I literally JUST had that. SOOOOO good!
  • I'm a natural girl but back when I was relaxed, I found that keeping my hair wrapped while i worked out was the best thing I could do. Maybe try getting some braids.