SingRunTing Member


  • Definitely a fluctuation. I found that the Trendweight website was very helpful for me to see past the fluctuations. Check it out.
  • IIFYM. I try to follow 80/20 rule - 80% "healthy" foods, 20% whatever else.
  • If you go back to doing exactly what you do now, you'll go back to the weight you are now. That's how it works. To maintain a 5lb loss, you'll have to eat slightly fewer calories than you do now or exercise a little more (or a bit of both). The difference for 5lbs will not be huge, but you do need to be cognizant.
  • I've had both, but the one I keep going back to is a male. He's great and I like to give him the support since I know that men are very discriminated against in the industry.
  • I'm 26 weeks and couldn't remember how to shut off the shower the other day.
  • I normally get 8 hours (10pm-6am). But right now I've been having a hard time on less than 9, but I'm pregnant.
  • I was definitely a secret eater from middle school onward. I would grab something from the pantry and eat it in the bathroom. If I had an extra dollar on me, I would buy a candy bar and eat it on the bus on the way home. I don't really know why I did it, to be honest. I knew I would be told to stop because dinner was…
  • I wish I could do it, but every time I've stopped counting calories and tried to just "listen to my body", I've gained weight.
  • I usually eat Friendly's, Hood, or Breyers. None of those that I've bought have ever been more than 190 calories. Ben & Jerry's is delicious, but from my perspective, it counts as ice cream and a candy bar. Also, most campus cafeterias where I've seen ice cream, they've tended to be soft serve. Very different ball game…
  • What ice cream are you eating that's 270 calories for a half a cup? I buy just about every brand available in the grocery store and they're usually 140-170 calories per half cup. I agree that she's probably eating multiple servings, but your calorie estimates are really high...
  • Just reinforcing what people are saying with an image.... Losing more weight is probably not going to give you the results you are looking for. You should try a recomp (gaining muscle while losing fat). You might even gain weight, but look better.
  • This. Plus any time you have a port that goes through the skin, the rate of infection for those devices tend to be very high. They also tend to become dislodged easily (this is from experience, my FIL had a feeding tube for years and it would become dislodged even though he was wheelchair bound and so not moving much).…
  • This is your perfect "nature vs nurture" type of situation. I'm voting for nurture. Sure, there might be a small genetic component. But it would be like 1% of the influence. Your habits, which are taught at a very young age by your family, are the other 99%. Focus on what you can control.
  • There are legitimate studies that have shown that to maintain a weight loss, you have to eat fewer calories than someone who's always been at that weight. However, the difference is something minuscule, like 20-50 calories if I remember correctly. The amount varies by how much you lost, how quickly you lost it, and how…
  • I would still eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but would eat lighter versions of them. Bank some calories for the party, but if you skip eating the rest of the day, you'll likely overdo it because you'll be hungry.
  • It's not a bad idea if it will help keep you in check. Normally I keep a deficit, but then will eat what I want during the major celebrations, which is definitely a surplus. Just works better for me because I would end up eating maintenance and then still eating whatever during those times. I would end up with a net gain…
  • Try eating what Mfp gives you for maintenance. That way the calories you're using to breastfeed are creating your deficit (should be 300-500 calories, which is s reasonable deficit). If your supply drops too much, add 100 calories a week until you're happy with your supply. If you're not losing, but your supply is fine,…
  • It's all personal preference, try different methods to see what works for you. For me, I have to find a balance between the two. If I work out fasted, I get dizzy and nauseous (blood sugar drops too much). If I work out right after I eat, I get cramps. I do my best if I wait at least an hour after a meal or if I have…
  • When I was losing, I had amazing luck at Goodwill. Name brand stuff that I would never be able to afford normally. You have to sort through a lot of junk, but you can find some really nice things.
  • Find one that has a tare button and can measure in both grams and ounces. Bowl is useless, it'll just be something else to wash. Better to place the plate or bowl you'll be using on the scale, then tare it to zero and weigh the food.
  • I did Weight Watchers in the past, but decided that I didn't need to pay for it when I can do the same thing here for free. I enjoy the BeachBody workouts, but someone gave me the dvds. I wouldn't pay what they charge for them, but if you can get them at a discount, why not. The others are expensive woo. All they will do…
  • Definitely check out the nutrition information on their website. It's pretty good. I sometimes will have the artisan grilled chicken sandwich, which is really great on the protein to calories. Feel free to indulge in other things too (burgers, nuggets, french fries), just make sure you are doing so in moderation (meaning…
  • I don't track my sugar at all. If I'm staying within my calories, sugar doesn't do anything to me. I do try to hit my macro goals, which have a much better impact on your health.
  • I hate to be this person, but with vanity sizing so out of control, sizes mean nothing to me. I'm magically now a size 8, which used to be a 12 when I was in high school. It's ridiculous and I can't set a goal by a yardstick that keeps changing. I'm aiming for a body fat goal instead.
  • I count anything with calories. It all adds up. Weight watchers works it out to give you a lower calorie goal so that you can have those "free" veggies. They're not free, they just take them out of the equation for you ahead of time.
  • Based on my patterns, I tend to split my calories like this: Breakfast: 300 - 400 calories Lunch: 400 - 600 calories Dinner: 500 - 700 calories Snacks: Remainder, depends on my amount of activity that day As far as snacking goes, I focus on getting my protein in first. After that I'll indulge in something yummy. If I have…
  • You can still log restaurant food. I've not yet come across a restaurant here where I can't find a reasonable meal calorie wise. As far as exercise, most hotels have a gym that you can use. Or pack some sneakers and go for a run or a walk.
  • If you can't find the exact same thing, you can only find something similar and log that. A guesstimate every once in a while is better than nothing.