thisisamyo Member


  • Oh my gosh. I was doing great until my birthday rolled around this weekend. I put on 6 pounds! Thursday night was celebrating with the best friend, Friday my roommates took me out and then Saturday I was at home celebrating with the family. 6 pounds! I'm just starting this week where I left off--counting calories and…
  • Girl, you are not in this alone. I had my lil brother and sister visit me this weekend and because I knew it would mean a lot to them and give them great memories we went out to eat EVERY meal. I feel so terrible. And if I were to actually log everything I'm pretty sure it would cover at least two days. It gets tough.…
  • Thank you! I am just excited I found such a wonderful pic of my hometown! Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • No sweets until Thanksgiving??? You are a wonderwoman in my eyes! I definitely wish you the best of luck and pray for the same kind of discipline! Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, does it? I mean, a lb of muscle is the same as a lb of's just more dense. Just like a lb of cotton would take up a lot of room, a lb of steel would be much smaller in appearance.
  • i LOVEEEEEE Indian food. Do you have any other recipies? Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • It could just be water weight. And it depends on the time of day that you are weighing yourself as well. If I weigh in when I wake up I am much more encouraged then when I weigh in at night. And yes, make sure you ARE eating. What I found most helpful (esp in speeding up my metabolism) was eating around 4 lower cal meals a…
  • I feel you! I always go back and forth between logging and all that mess. Instead of concentrating on the fact that there is so much to do and catch up with, look at the bright side--you are going to be the happiest person on Thanksgiving because you will have earned the right to take the day off and enjoy your food…
  • Hi! Interval training is the best thing to tone your body. You can do a million crunches and tons of time steadily going at the elliptical, but it's not the fasting way to BURN fat. You see, your body gets accustomed to the rate at which you push yourself and actually expects it and prepares for it. In order to tone your…
  • I chose my ticker because it is a sunset over my home city. I love my city. I love sunsets. I love running. Running is so much better during a sunset for me, esp in the city because it makes the city seem so extremely peaceful and serene. Created by - Online Calorie Counter