sheilahealth167 Member


  • I read your profile and sent you a friend request. In your profile note you said, "I want to have my outside match my inside" I can totally relate to that and I think that issue caused me a lot of heartache. I was sitting steady at a size 18/20. I couldn't find clothes that looked or felt like me. When I looked at pictures…
  • Lays potato chips, classic and dip. I don't buy it ever, but I often come in contact with it at my mother-in-law's house and at my part time job. When I see them, I go straight for them.
  • Great job on getting started and making up your mind! I read a lot of these posts and they are all very good and very true. My thought for you AND me is persistence. Every day, Every day. Do the best you can every day. If I can figure it out, I'll send you a friend request. What are you "plans" for eating?
  • Hello. I started weight watchers this week and found this site while looking for points. I also have the Myfitnesspal app on my phone but I was never diligent about it. I have been working out FAIRLY consistently for about two years now. I am down about 30 pounds (up and down) now from exercising those two years but I am…