

  • WOW! 95 pounds gone! That is awesome! Congrats to you. I have 90 to go and just joined this site today! So far, I'm loving it.
    in Hi Comment by 100togo2010 January 2010
  • Congrats! I am so happy for you! I just started today and I've got 90 pounds to go. It is very inspiring to see that it can be done by diet and exercise! I'd appreciate any and all advise from you or anyone reading this post! YOU TRULY ARE AN INSPIRATION!!!
  • I was thinking the same thing! "Why not now?" and so here I am! Thanks for your post, I think you put into words what most of us have thought. Take care
  • Welcome! I just joined this site today and so far I'm loving it. Good luck!
  • Welcome Becca117! I'm new also! You may add me as a friend as well. I look forward to making new friends and getting some buddies to keep each other motivated! Take care, Amy
  • Tina, Just remember "THIS IS OUR YEAR" and together with some old and new friends support, we can do this!
    in Me Comment by 100togo2010 January 2010