lauralea42 Member


  • I am having same issue, and it is very frustrating!!! If I could just get rid of my belly fat, I would be happy with my figure. Could lose a little more in my thighs too, but my belly fat is being a pain to get rid of.
  • Thanks. I do exercise daily, but I don't log it because of the way MyFitnessPal gives you more calories to eat because you burn some off when you exercise. I have a spreadsheet that I keep up with EVERYTHING. This is where I put my exercising and the calories burned. I just ended up taking a week of not exercising or…
  • I have plateaued. For past 4 weeks I have gone between 148-150 each week. I have quit losing inches though. This is the first week where I did not lose any inches at all. I have been told that when you plateau, you need to take a week off and rest. Also, to eat closer to your maintenance calories. This will "trick" your…
  • I have plateaued. For past 4 weeks I have gone between 148-150 each week. I have quit losing inches though. This is the first week where I did not lose any inches at all. I have been told that when you plateau, you need to take a week off and rest. Also, to eat closer to your maintenance calories. This will "trick" your…
  • I am looking at both of these trying to figure out which one to buy. Which would you recommend? I am not sure I will be able to do a pull up. My arms just are not that strong. Especially with a bad elbow.
  • I have both a bad elbow that I fracture a year ago, and bad knee that I just recently hurt while doing lunges. Is this going to be really hard on both of them?
  • I have to start Beta this week on T25, and then I play on doing P90x3. I am hoping I will be able to keep up with P90x3. At first Alpha wore me out. I would finish the workouts, but had to take 1 minute breaks on a couple of the workouts like Total Body Circuit and Cardio. Not sure how much harder Beta is going to be. Was…
  • I am going to do this when I complete T25 which will be in another month being as I am just about to start Beta. How was your results from P90X3? Did you see a lot of weight loss and muscle gain? Is this a hard workout?
  • I finished Alpha a week ago, and then hurt my right knee doing lunges on a Saturday being as I do weight lifting on that day that Shau gives us off. I was going to start Beta that next Monday, but my knee hurt to bad and was scared to make it worse if I started Beta. Tell me, is Beta a lot harder than Alpha? Total Body…
  • I have added 3 days a week for weight lifting at the gym to make sure I am getting a good strength training every week. Working really hard on my lower half. Having a hard time losing weight in my thighs and lower stomach. Thanks!
  • Is T25 considered HIIT?
  • Is Focus T25 consider Strength Training or Cardio? I know it has both in there, but I want to make sure I am getting enough of both. I was doing HIIT. I am not sure doing just T25 is going to be enough or if I need to do HIIT at least 3 times a week also.
  • Decided that 1740 calories was to high. Doing 1667 calories with 124g carbs, 186g protein, and 46g fat. Just started this, so I don't know how it will work yet. I also started Focus T25 by Shau T. Hoping this will help me lose more weight. Not sure if this is considered cardio or Strength Training though. Anyone know?
  • Had to change my macros being as my body is a little carb intolerant. By eating all those carbs I was only hurting myself. I am on a low carb diet now. Eating way more protein than carbs, so looking to see what till happen on weigh in day.
  • I'm on my 2nd week of Alpha, and there are times where I can barely breath. I can't even seem to do the modified version at these times, so I hit pause and walk around the room to catch my breath for about a minute. This is what HIIT is about, so am I hurting myself by taking a minute break? TurboFire was like this.…
  • I am having problems with getting rid of belly fat too. As hard as I work and as good as I eat, it is really frustrating being as it seems like my belly fat is not going to go away.
  • A good place to see about how much calories you should be eating and about the different amounts of each macro (protein, carbs, fat) you should be aiming for is I started that a couple weeks ago. Before that I was eating 1520 calories. When I entered info on myself at this website it bumped me up to 1650…
  • What is the gamma part?
  • Wow....great results!!! I just started T25, and I am hoping for the same good results.
  • A good place to see about how much calories you should be eating and about the different amounts of each macro (protein, carbs, fat) you should be aiming for is I started that a couple weeks ago. Before that I was eating 1520 calories. When I entered info on myself at this website it bumped me up to 1650…
  • Wow....congrats!!! I just started T25 5 days ago. is tough. Having high intensity with NO BREAKS!!! I have been working out for 6 months now doing kickboxing, HIIT, jogging, weight lifting, cycling, but I still got sore doing T25. Guess that means it is working!!! lol.
  • I don't have bad knees, but I can tell you that you will be using your knees in jumping moves and squats a lot. I have a bad elbow, but I have only done first 5 days. We haven't done much on our elbows except the ab workout. Good luck!!! ;)
  • Wow...I just started IIFYM today. I had looked back at last week's nutrition on MyFitnessPal to see if I was close to my macros or not. I seem to go over my macros limit in fat, but have a hard time reaching the carbs goal. I was in shock being as I though carbs were actually a problem for in eatting too much of…
  • I guess I just feel that eating even 300 under my maintenance calories would keep me from losing weight, but it is true what you say. As far as exercising...oh yes!! I workout out 5-6 days a week doing HIIT. I usually do TurboFire (kickboxing) or jogging for HIIT, and I also do strength training. I have had to take it down…
  • I guess I just feel that eating even 300 under my maintenance calories would keep me from losing weight, but it is true what you say. As far as exercising...oh yes!! I workout out 5-6 days a week doing HIIT. I usually do TurboFire (kickboxing) or jogging for HIIT, and I also do strength training. I have had to take it down…
  • I work out 5-6 days a week. Have been doing High Intensity Interval Training, but hurt my ankle a week ago and taking it slow. Maybe I should wait until I can do HIIT again to go up on calories. Thanks!!!!
  • Hi! My name is Laura. I am 42 yrs old, 5'7" and 158 lbs. My fat % is 27.6 right now. I have been dieting for 20 weeks. At first I was eating around 1200 calories a day. I lost weight, but I plateaued. I had a fitness trainer help me by figuring my BMR and the amount of calories I should be eating daily to lose weight. This…
  • Hi! My name is Laura. I am 42 yrs old, 5'7" and 158 lbs. My fat % is 27.6 right now. I have been dieting for 20 weeks. At first I was eating around 1200 calories a day. I lost weight, but I plateaued. I had a fitness trainer help me by figuring my BMR and the amount of calories I should be eating daily to lose weight. This…
  • Hi! My name is Laura. I am 42 yrs old, 5'7" and 158 lbs. My fat % is 27.6 right now. I have been dieting for 20 weeks. At first I was eating around 1200 calories a day. I lost weight, but I plateaued. I had a fitness trainer help me by figuring my BMR and the amount of calories I should be eating daily to lose weight. This…