

  • I really love this reply! I have been on herbalife for 5 weeks, my body feels weird when i use it, and I am constipated all the time - this is very abnormal. I love the flavour of the shakes, but I dislike what it makes my body feel like. I have lost 2.2kg since being on herbalife, and i have decided enough is enough, I…
  • 26 Year old from Cape Town, South Africa... need a support group to lose all of this "don't know how it became so much" weight! hehe... i do actually, i ate too much and did zero to no exercising.... but i'm here to change all that.... add me!:laugh:
  • Hi All, Just thought I would introduce myself. This is my first time on myfitnesspal, and I think this website is rather cool! But definitely not my first time dieting, I have been on all sorts of things. I am currently using herbalife - so far so good :) My start weight on here is 117kg (258lb), and I am 161cm tall. My…