

  • What i've done is stuck to white wine, i've been on intense food cut downs and becoming more active. I'm now very much bang on addicted to it lol.. So when I went out with my buddys I wanted something that would get me drunk but not smash my calorie intake, I could still add to MFP when drunk ;) I had 2 bottles of wine,…
  • Well i'm not concentrating on building muscle yet anyway that'll come at a later date, I'm mainly more concerned about losing my belly :) But yeah I do the cross trainer first as it seems to burn the most calories and gets me juice so to speak to get going. I do the weights after my cardio then do about 5 minutes on the…
  • Yeah that's what I call the cross trainer at the gym, it's splattered on the side of the machine. I do a varied work out I just want to make sure i'm hitting the right things really to lose weight and "look the part" a bit more.