CarolxJxThompson Member


  • Hi Thisnursewillbehot, I'm 60 & hanging around 180 lbs. myself. My Fitness Pal has helped me lose 25 lbs. tracking your food is so import. The only exercise I do walking with a Fitbit. You CAN do this, just be focused!
  • Hi Boomers, I'm Carol from Arlington, TX. I was born in 1955. I've lost 50 on Weight Watchers. I've reached a plateau and I'm having stuck losing the last 15 - 20 lbs. I'm switching to counting calories and increasing my exercise. (OK, I don't like to exercise) I'm hoping to learn from all ya'll and we can all lose weight…
  • Being a former fitness instructor, I'm sure you are going to be focused and this done.