

  • boring reply but just eat more. a supplement is a supplement not replacement. If you really cant get more food down, id go for a casein/whey protein shake mixed with milk.
  • i eat roughly 2.5g - 3g of protein per kg of bodyweight. weightloss without HARD weightlifting and a excess of protein ends up with you loosing muscle at the same time as your loosing fat, which will make you look "thin fat" in the end, heavy exercise and alot of protein limits the loss of muscle mass whilst loosing fat…
  • dont know anything bout the jillian michaels program or what you do on wii active... but its worth remembering your abs are quite a large muscle which can take alot of punishment without to much problems, although you should stick to the "48 hour rest" rule (ie rest your abs for 48 hours before giving them another…
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