

  • I agree, listen to your body. If you get light headed, have a snack.
  • Exercise and I really used this program. Portion size is huge. Also, I don't eat meat and that helps. I eat a lot of beans and tofu and fill up on veggies and fruits. You do have to cheat now and then but make it a "good" cheat. Really good dark chocolate has very few calories but fills a craving. I work out 3 days a week-…
  • Have you played the card game DOG? If there are 6 people playing, take 6 sets of cards from a deck. 4 Kings, 4, Queens, 4 5's... Shuffle the cards and deal them all out. Everyone should have 4 cards. Start passing cards one at a time to the person to your right. The game should move quickly. When you have four of a kind,…