

  • Hi, I mentioned in another reply that I am not into fitness so I can't really have an opinion about working out but I can tell you that my husband works physically and quite often has inflammation due to over working some of his problem areas such as shoulder and back. We are both in our mid 50s...so the point I'm making I…
  • Hi, I mentioned to another person that I joined this just to get involved in answering some of the questions regarding The Plan....had to, it's the best thing my husband and I have evr done for ourselves. This is a fitness forum and I have to actually admit that we are not into fitness at all. We know we should be but have…
  • Hello, I signed up on this website just to answer your question! Had to share the results because they have been so amazing. My husband and I started on The Plan 7 months ago. Our weight loss has been about 20 to 25 lbs. We are in our mid 50s so this is pretty amazing. We arE both at a comfortable weight and feel great. We…
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