

  • suggestions: -Egg beaters/egg whites in the morning with some vegetables sautéed in. - Have a serving of protein at every meal - Take a multi-vitamin daily to make sure you are getting in all your vitamins because you are on such a low calorie diet. -Protein shake (unsweetened chocolate almond milk, rolled oats, 1 frozen…
  • A few tips: -If you increase your activity level then you can increase your calorie intake a bit. (If your not trying to loose weight you can also increase it) - Try to have one protein at every meal so that you stay fuller longer I know you said you don't eat meat except fish, so try to eat fish, beans, tempeh, nuts or…
  • Wow! You look great! You can defiantly tell a difference! You should be so proud of yourself, you have come such a long way and that takes a lot of dedication and hard work! Best of luck to you on the rest of your journey! (:
  • Hi Rachel, I think swimming is a great exercise because your using a lot of muscles in your body and getting your heart rate up. I have read and been told that if you are swimming at a moderate rate you can burn anywhere from 400-500 calories per hour (on average everybody's body is different some may burn more calories…
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