agomez281 Member


  • This is amazing. I did have chafing from my heart rate monitor after it slid up under my girls. it looks like I had a bit of elective surgery at the moment. If anyone has a suggestion for a softer strap HRM let me know.
  • I found the weather to be awesome, actually. I'm from Houston so 80% humidity is fine for me as was the temperature. I don't like running below 50F. I realize I'm probably alone in this hahaha I did see a lot of people struggling until the wind picked up a bit. I was totally comfortable the whole time, could not have asked…
  • Yeah a friend of mine that did the half asked me if I would do another and I opened my big mouth and said I would if he did the full distance. He signed up yesterday morning lol So, I'm going to make good on my word.
  • So OP update: I ran it Sunday, the full marathon. Didn't hit the wall, no blisters, no lost toe nails, etc and I finished comfortably with a 13:06 min/mile which was my speed more or less through the whole thing, there's a 15 second difference and i think that's because i took a lou break. My splits were super super super…
  • Is it strange that a half marathon doesn't phase me? I'm not fast, ever, but when I finish them I'm not even sore. I actually have never experienced soreness after a run (or race) until I hit 15 miles, 16 hurts the next day but I feel like I can keep going. I get tight after a 13 but with rolling and yoga it's no big…
  • Actually the plan has kind of an interval set up. One week my miles add up to 20, another they are over 40. It just happens that the average over all is 25. I'm not sure why my plan has shaken out to be that, it might be because I missed a week in December when I was down with flu (got my shot but didn't spare me! lovely)…