

  • Well come this Wednesday it will be 5 weeks. 5 weeks ago - 324 pounds. Currently today - 298. I tried eating heavily (well, heavily on the bland diet (however that comes across lol)), and still dropped a few pounds. I think I'm being malnurished. No veggies have been eaten. cant have milk right now. It sucks horribly. I…
  • Yeah. The blood work is all normal with the exception of MPV's (red blood cell size) - it's 11.8 in a scale that ends at 10.9 - doc's said that is nowhere near important. 3 weeks ago my ALT was 46 out of a max scale of 50 (for high normal). on sept 13 it was 72. On sept 19 it was 64. I was sucking down cough drops like…
  • Yeah. I've been to the doctors quite often. Very often actually. Like over 30 times in 3 weeks. In fact, I went this morning at 6 am. I talked to the GI as well. I've also bombarded them with messages (I think they are annoyed with me now...lol). Recently I received this message from my GI: "Certainly your altered diet and…
  • So, recently, I've stepped on the scale. Down 21 pounds in 24 days. I was told I had IBS and Diverticulosis recently. I also have a closing at the top of my left kidney. All lovely welcome news. -__- They told me because I started at 324, was male, and am on a very bland diet, that it was going to happen. That all may be…
  • my apologies for rehashing an old thread. i just signed up today because of the weight ive lost. i am concerned, and typed it in the google search and came up with this thread. my apologies, but just thought id come in and see
  • it's possible. but who knows. im on a VERY strict bland diet. Most of what I eat is applesauce, yogurt, cheerios, water, gatorade, turkey breast sandwhiches, tuna... It seriously sucks, but i used to eat oatmeal for breakfast, lean cuisine for lunch and then fried chicken, pizza, heavy lasanga, taco bell, chinese food,…
  • it very well could be. I've had a few doctors tell me because I was "morbidly obese" and whatnot, at my weight, losing the weight was good. my GI doc was a little concerned.
  • Well, I can't exactly call it right. I have had abdominal/pelvic issues the last 3 weeks. I've dropped 18 pounds in 19 days. Mind you, I was 324 to start. I'm 306 now. I was full of so much bile and gas, it wasn't funny. Still kinda am. Not nearly as much though. Had an X-Ray, CT Scan, and sadly I have to get a…
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