

  • Thank you guys for posting. I feel a little better now. I never have dieted or know the first thing about it. I guess that's why I freak out so much.
  • I'm eating /usually/ 13-1500 calories. And I try to eat healthy type foods like peanutbutter and apples or baked chicken instead of fried, etc. What does it mean when you retain water? Like how would I get rid of it?
  • Its just frustrating, and it isn't the fact I gained four pounds, its the amount of time I gained it in :(
  • That sounds really different. I thought greek yogurt was sweet. Ill definately have to try it :)
  • Hmmm ill check out the links and the snack page. Thank you for replying. I never thought to put a limit on my snack calories.
  • Hmmm ill check out the links and the snack page. Thank you for replying. I never thought to put a limit on my snack calories.
  • Thank you guys for everything. All of your comments are encouragging and I just want everyone to know I will be friends with anyone :) and if you want to talk then shoot me a message. I don't get on the website a lot but I have the mobile app.
  • Shirleygirl91: Yea... diabetes and other health problems run bad in my family... I want to be healthy... and I want to be happy woth myself... Melissaphipps: thank you ^•^