congrats everyone!!
I hope so lol
Well I won't have a loss this week due to the fact that it's my T.O.M. I feel like death and all I want to do is sleep. Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend.
How is everyone doing this week? It is almost that time again and I must say that I am very happy with my loss this week. I didn't expect to lose anything with Easter being Sunday. I actually thought that I was going to gain weight. Hope you all have a blessed day.
Well I'm not sure that I will have a great loss by Friday due to the holiday. I can't resist a good Mac n cheese lol but it is almost gone. Hopefully my husband will take the rest of it in his lunch lol.
Congrats everyone!!
Congrats everyone!
i'm a little bummed that I didn't make it out of the 220's but I know I will make it there next week. We all did awesome this week! Hope you all have an awesome weekend!
Can't believe tomorrow is weigh in day. This week flew by! I hope that I have lost at least a pound.
What day do we weigh in?
Omg I am so pumped!
Well I plan on trying to workout 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes and meet the goal for steps on my fitbit everyday. I would like to lose 30lbs by the end of the challenge to make it to 193 but I will be happy if I could just get to 199. I have been stuck in the 200's for far too long and I need to get healthy and my…
Hey everyone!!! I'm so excited to start this challenge!!
I've registered!!
Oooo! I want to join!
Never mind lol I got it opened and see it's week 12 goal weight
Goal weight for te end of the challenge or our actual goal weight?
Hello everyone! I am looking forward to the start of this challenge! In total I have about 100 lbs to lose but durring the challenge I would like to lose 20-30lbs. Good luck everyone!
I have been trying for 3 weeks to get in contact with her and no luck. So what's the plan? I'm in.
I'm so lost on what is really going on. I only have one team member checking in and I have no idea what week this is considered.
Ok guys I'm assuming that we will be back to weighing in and the challenges this week. Let's end this thing strong guys!
Good lik to you on your weight loss journey. We are here for you if you need us!
Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas
I'm sure if you modify it anyway you feel comfortable I will still be able to count it. I don't want you to injure yourself so don't push too hard.
Just tried to do the arm part of the challenge and lasted a whole 1 minute and 37 seconds...epic fail. Are we aloud to try more then once? Lol
My goal this week is to lose 5 lbs by next Tuesday. I will be 225 by next week. I have been slacking lately due to my workload and other things but I am sick of being out of shape, fat and unhealthy!
Can't say tht I can do that at either of my jobs lol. I would be sure to get some crazy looks from clients and customers. I guess I can do them at home. How is everyone doing so far this week?
Wow great job ladies! Sorry I haven't been on. I started a second job this week and I've kind of been all over the place.
3,500 calories equal one pound of fat Question: how many calories should you eat per day to lose weight?
I will be praying for you!