

  • I did do weight watchers and did a lot of reading around caloreis and how they body works. WW and many diets and dietricians advise that you can save your calories and through the week but must be then spent in the week / weekend, and never to fall below a healthy daily calorie recommendation in order to save calories. At…
  • ZUMBA is definately my favourite work out!! Its so much fun that you don't even realise you're working out til you are finished and have worked up a serious sweat. It's available at most places now but if I can't get to the classes I will do the easy 10minute work out that are posted on youtube before my meals and it…
  • Hi i'm Nicky. I'm also new but getting used to using MFP everyday. I was 164 pounds and am now 137.5. It hasn't taken me that long so I know you can do it Michelle! Just think of those ever lasting communion photo's that your daughter will be showing her kids hopefully one day