arodriguez2 Member


  • I hope I can post these right I have a 7 month old Pit bull, Blue who is growing soooo fast and getting sooo big! (and who my partner and I love taking pictures of!) This is the first pic I have of him, when he was about 1 month old This is him sleeping on my arm, still pretty small This is him about 4 months old And him…
    in Pets Comment by arodriguez2 April 2012
  • Hi! Feel free to add me, I am currently procrastinating on a paper i have due tonight :/ lol
  • Welcome! I have fallen off of my regimen, but really want to complete the 4 weeks (Great job Jenny on your work and dedication!!) I am hoping to start them again this week (hoping it will help with some of this soreness from being rear ended this past weekend)
  • thanks for this! I needed to hear this...
  • I am soooooo sorry to hear about your loss. I had to put down my 10 yr old chocolate lab last nov (and actually did not have the energy or motivation to even log into MFP for a long time) to make it worse my 14 yr old teddy bear mix died 6 months later followed by the death of our 1 month old puppy. It is absolutely normal…
  • Oohh I'm in! Adriana Current Weight 155 Goal Weight: 130
  • Give me a HUGE delicious burger and I am in heaven..add bacon, jalapenos and ranch or cheese and I may die in front of you (after I eat it). I have gotten into the habit of getting them without cheese or bun, and maybe only 1 or 2 a month...but still...i dream about them lol.
  • The biggest change is feeling the desire to go to the gym (even though this last week has been hard) and even though physically I'm not where I want to be, it is amazing to be able to run for more than 3 minutes without feeling like I am going to pass out :)
  • Name: Adriana Age: 28 Hobbies: ummmm, I rarely have free time anymore due to being in grad school and working, but on the rare occasions, I really enjoy reading, drawing and music. Have any own family: I don't have any kids of my own, but help with my nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews lol. I have a…
  • Im still technically on day 2 and super swamped with work and school! Awesome getting back on track!
    in Week 3 Comment by arodriguez2 April 2012
  • I did it last year and lost 10 lbs in about a month (with more than one occasional small cheat during the week). I am doing it again, but haven't had time to eat breakfast like is strongly recommended and really think that is what is stalling my weight loss. EAT BREAKFAST! That is my goal this week. even if it just a…
  • Great job! I got TOM today and could not make myself work out due to my cramps :/ This means I am TWO days behind for week 1. I will be picking up where I left off tomorrow, and hoping that it will still be ok.
    in Week 2 Comment by arodriguez2 March 2012
  • That sounds good to me! Also, I missed yesterday so am a day behind, but will make it up today and tomorrow instead of taking a rest day tomorrow. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
  • I was NOT looking forward to working out today, so the workouts seemed kind of like a chore due to my state of mind and lack of motivation (dealing with some family drama) BUT i did them. cardio axe and high and tight on the floor (but i don't have ankle weights yet) but it was PAINFUL!! my poor butt lol.
    in Day 4 Comment by arodriguez2 March 2012
  • Sculpt is done! I really enjoyed it too, it really did go by quickly. But OMG am i sore!!! Good job everyone!!
    in DAY 3 Comment by arodriguez2 March 2012
  • I started off SOOOO sore today after yesterday's videos. I'm doing the combination too. I was sweating with Cardio Axe, but not breathing as heavy as with Bum Bum. High and Tight is KILLER for my already sore butt!! lol. Day 2- check.
    in Day 2 Comment by arodriguez2 March 2012
  • Which video did you do? I did 25 out 28 minutes for bum bum (and I was drenched in sweat and crazy out of breath) and about 15 out of 20 minutes of tummy tuck and HOLY COW was that tough!!! I am hoping it gets easier the more we do them!
    in Day 1 Comment by arodriguez2 March 2012
  • Chest: 38 1/2 Natural waist: 33 1/2 Belly: 38 Hips: 43 Thigh: 25 both arms:11 both
  • Nice to meet you both! I will be starting a topic for measurements and then maybe a daily one for check in/support
    in Intros Comment by arodriguez2 March 2012
  • Okay i started a group! Brazil butt lift starting march 19. I will start a discussion to post measurements and for daily check ins and updates :)
  • Yeah i think starting a group eould be best. Let me see if i can do it from my phone otherwise i should hace access to my computer monday (latest tuesday) i am doing the combinationone
  • Sorry my computer is on the fritz so i have been relying on my smartphone. Yes i still want to do it!! Should we start a group or wouls it be easier to post on this thread? We can do daily check ins and support each other through it. Should we all post our starting measurements and update weekly?
  • Thanks for the 7 min breakfast details! I am officially on day 5 of week 2 (but didnt follow as strictly the first week) i am doing pretty good this week, but havent been making time for breakfast, which i know,according to the book is really important. I have just gotten into the habit of waking up early enough to just…
  • week beginning march 5, 2012 goal: 400 minutes (an hour 4x/week)
  • please share your 7 min breakfast! that was the hardest part for me. I am going to restart 4HB tomorrow, after about 11 months of NOT doing it.
  • I'm right around 5'5 and I would LOVE to be 130-135.
  • I ordered organic extra virgin coconut oil, do you think the "extra virgin" part makes a difference?