

  • I just did it. Now mind you I am an avid backpacker, but not in the greatest cardiovascular shape. I started by doing interval runs. Meaning I'd walk for 5-6 mins and then run quite fast for 1 minute. I'd do this 5 times for 2 weeks, just to get myself started. Then I started running a 2 miler nice and slow, but not…
  • My favorite kimchi recipe. For vegans it is possible and still tasty to take out the anchovy sauce and salad shrimp.
  • Meatless Monday is already being pushed by some environmentalist groups including the Sierra Club. Monday is the perfect day to do this. In my experience eating raw is a fantastic way to purge a bad weekend of eating/drinking. I highly recommend eating kimchi on your raw day. For those of you who may not be familiar with…
  • Eat an apple and drink a big glass of water before your unhealthy dinner. You'll eat a lot less and like that Colton kid said, don't deny yourself some "bad" food, just eat less of it. My biggest problem when around for family get-togethers is alcohol. Get your water and tea ready and just drink less than you normally…