

  • Loved this workout!! Will definitely keep it for Mondays and Thurdays: I did 30 seconds of jumping rope in between each roll. roll 1- squats-30 roll 2- dips-20 roll 3-crunches-30 roll 4-squats-30 roll 5 squats-30 roll 6 pushups-20 I had to drink 75 oz of water which was pretty easy for me because I drink water all day…
  • My why is because I know what it feels like to be thin, as well as fat, and being thin feels sooooo much better!! I've somehow gained 20 pounds over summer and I need to make changes with my eating so that I don't gain anymore weight and can lose the 20 pounds!! Working out is not my problem, I workout 6 days a week for 1…
  • Hello Red Team!! My name is Tina. I am a 43 yr old nurse working at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. I have 2 daughters, 13 and 11. I have struggled with my weight my entire life! My heaviest was 225+ after my first child and my lowest was 129. I have ran a marathon, 2- 1/2 marathons and I used to teach a weight lifting…
  • Screen name: tcampean1 Age:42 Weight to lose: 30lbs Looking forward to losing 30 lbs before vacation in April!!