

  • I have been there! I feel your pain. It's hard for me to take myself seriously knowing I have tried this before and failed in the end. I am trying to be positive and take this time ONE step at a time! So go ahead and add me and we can work on this single experience together :) Good Luck.
  • I am not a big fan of conventional exercise. I enjoy things like hiking, bike rides, swimming and dancing. However between working full time, church activities and getting my Masters degree I don't have time for workouts right now. Also I know from experience that if I try to start working out and change my eating at the…
  • This is so fantastic to see! Keep up the inspiration. Awesome job!
  • Hey all, I'm new to the site and I would love to have a group to talk with and help us all stay encouraged! Let's go ladies!!!!!:happy:
  • I know it's tough, but you're not always going to see the huge results you're expecting right off the bat. I know I get discouraged sometimes because I watch shows like the biggest loser and think they are login so fast! But it's different for everyone, and you may have a week or two where you lose very little and then…