

  • For me the easiest part of my "diet" was maintaining my numbers in This task of inputing your foods each meal and then analyzing the numbers might seem difficult and boring for many, but for me was a pleasure because I am a numbers guy (computer dude). What I learned after just a couple of weeks using…
  • Personally speaking I feel that weighing in each morning in my birthday suit, after taking care of business in the bathroom and before eating or drinking (might sip on some tea before) is a good gauge of how I did the day before. Daily fluctuations are going to be normal, but if i find that my weight is stagnant or…
  • An easy thing to consider when trying to reduce carbs is to stay away from anything white. Potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, etc. You might try sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes! The biggest no-no while on your reduced carb kick is SWEET DRINKS. You just have to say NO to soft drinks, sweet tea, sugar in general. If you…
  • Maybe you are taking in too much carbs? Use the Goals feature under My Home and use the Custom Change Goals option to possibly modify your percentage of Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat intake. I would suggest setting carbs to 50%, protein 30% and fat 20% as a good start for weight loss. You could keep your total net…
  • Sounds like you are taking in too much carbs. Use the Goals feature under My Home and use the Custom Change Goals option to possibly modify your percentage of Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat intake. I would suggest setting carbs to 50%, protein 30% and fat 20% as a good start for weight loss. You could keep your total net…