

  • Mainly just walking the dog at the moment, but when I am feeling more human I'd like to start swimming and am considering yoga? Anything for a bit of peace and quiet time ;)
  • I haven't been sick but I feel so so sick and the only thing that is helping is to eat! I am eating constantly, I feel like such a failure as I didn't want to put on too much weight this time but I am packing away the carbs :( I'm hoping that once I get to 2nd tri I will be able to reign it in and start eating a lot…
  • Hollie I am so jealous of your lack of MS, I don't feel human at the moment but am hoping that will pass when 2nd tri hits. All I want to do is eat away the sick feeling which isn't helping my resolve to not put on too much weight this time round. Waiting to tell people is the worst part as first tri is when you feel…
  • Hi all, I am 7 weeks pregnant with my 4th (and last!). God that sounds like loads!! I have always been a big gainer during pregnancy having used it as an excuse in the past to eat family sized bags of chocolates and mountains of food. This time I want it to be different and really don't want to gain much :( I've always…
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