Stay true to yourself.... Some of your freinds are really concerned and others want to see you fail so they can say you failed...Keep in mind "the people that matter dont mind and the people that mind dont matter"
you go girl!!!!
sounds great... sets of ten... I started with 15 sets of 10 now im down to 10 sets of ten... I like that....
Today was my first day... wow... did along with ab challange
i love to join.. cw 332 gw 312 we can do this
Where can I find the workout plan..
Blood clots are not to be played with... At any time they can break off and travel to your heart... my advise dont wait go straight to your dr...I had a blood that ran from ankle to behind my knee... was on bed rest for two weeks to have them desolve..
sw 385.5 cw 334.2 gw 230 gw for May 299 Weigh in Dates; 5/1 334.2 5/8 5/15 5/22 5/28 5/31
lost over 50 lbs need a new pic
first day on the post