Different strokes for different folks.
We found some at our local food coop but you could always lightly grind some unsweetened chocolate. We have talked about just making the cake and pureeing frozen bananas to top it, not something you could do but maybe a strawberry and blueberry blend instead.
I forgot to add, we've had lots of success with organic grade B maple syrup... it's pricey though.
Does he mean ever been heated over a certain temperature or to not consume it when its above room temperature? This diet sounds a lot like a GAPS diet with further acidic and fruit restrictions. How about something like this: It has Maple Syrup and Honey. My…
My opinion: Humans have survived for thousands of years before diet soda so evidently it is not pertinent to our existence. Honestly, looking at this question from another direction, it's apparent you think there could be something wrong with diet soda or you wouldn't have asked. Why go against your judgement for the…
I'm no expert, but from what I gathered any crystallized form of sugar is refined. None of what we get from a package labeled as sugar occurs naturally. What I mean is you can't just cut open a sugar fruit to find granulated sugar. Also none of the substitutes are any better so scratch those you listed too. Honey is the…
Not sure about making butter out of them but pecans are high in fat while being fairly moderate in carbs and protein. The ones I eat are 20g fat, 4g carb and 3g protein for 1 ounce. We do make almond butter with our blender and eat other nuts too. We are more primal then paleo and are new with the diet but I haven't seen a…
My wife and I are on day 53 of XT1. Plyo is a killer but Cardio XT it the one that crushes me. I'm dying just like Monet, seriously. Ideas for helping with changing out bands: -Buy more handles -Lay them out so they don't get tangled, I use the couch, to make switching fast -Use some bands handle-less, I just grab them…
We've considered XT2 but we'll probably do a second round of XT1 first. XT2 looks to be ridiculously harder. Feel free to hit us up through our website and checkout the TapouT XT FaceBook page, there's always a lot happening there and some amazing results have been shared. Rest up!
My wife and I are on day 53 (W8D4) of TapouT XT. To everyone starting this and to those who are struggling - KEEP AT IT! Starting was the hardest part and sticking with it is a close second. After 52 days I still struggle with some of the side planks and the grinder, what masochist invented that. Take it one day at a time,…
My wife and I are currently on day 53 of TapouT XT. I prefer a real person over a "professional persona" and think Mike is genuine. Honestly, especially for inexperienced people, Mike says a lot of useful things regarding form and what muscle group you should be engaging. I've improved immensely by just listening to what…
Congrats! Finishing the first week is a HUGE step. The sweetness of that first rest day still lingers in my brain. The start and end of the second week is great. You'll get a pounding with Competition Core then close with my personal nemesis, Cardio XT. Don't worry about buying some other programs. In the future you could…
Do it. My regret is that I didn't buy it the first time I saw it. I don't want to elude anyone, this is an extreme program. After the first two days I started thinking, uh oh - I hope I just didn't waste our money. We kept putting the DVDs in and before we knew it we passed day seven, then ten, then day 30 and so on. You…
This topic is a little cold but my wife and I are doing TapouT XT, today is week 8 day 3 (day 52 of 84). My advice to anyone starting this program: -Don't try to do the pace of the DVDs from the beginning unless you're already fit -It's OK to get beaten down and to pause the DVD to catch your breath or to figure out what…
You can start with standing push ups by leaning into a wall, increase intensity by increasing the angle. With a lower back problem you'll have to be careful with any extreme program but you may benefit from making it stronger, one of life's catch 22s. If you are going to be doing your own cardio 3 times a week then I would…