DonnaMc510 Member


  • I have that same problem. I am currently using a combo of vitamin b tablets, flaxiseed, a few nuts to snack on during the day and green tea. Seems to be working at the mo. Oh, and i was half way through JM 30 day shred with no weightloss so switched it for pure cardio (JM banish fat, boost metabolism) at home and cross…
  • It's hard when you set yourself targets and don't reach them and it takes a little while to realise that you have still achieved something pretty awesome. You are 5lbs less than you were a month ago which is pretty cool in my eyes:)
  • Well I enjoy eating cake and vegging out on the sofa but I fear that may be the problem and not part of the solution lol But seriously, I do not enjoy running per say but I have been enjoying the running programme as I never thought I would actually accomplish it and it's a nice feeling pushing yourself and being able to…
  • Thanks for the support everyone. I read so many stories about people's successes and how well they are doing and that is definitely motivating but the truth is some days I find this all a struggle. I don't always want to go to the gym and no matter how much I run I don't get the buzz other people rave about and I wonder is…