

  • I ate 1200 calories too! I also ran on the weekends and did the elliptical for an hour twice a week. But I only did those on the days I didn't do Insanity. Maybe you're eating too few calories? A ton of people have been yelling at me for eating too few. Good luck on your second round! I'm sure there were still results, be…
  • Haha! Thank you! I wish I woulda stuck with the whole program, the outcome seems like it could be sooo rewarding!
  • First time posting pictures, so I hope I did this right. Anyway, I didn't follow the Insanity program EXACTLY, but I did it everyday for the most part. I didn't follow the eating plan either. AND I only did the first month lol
  • I've heard that too! I'm just so scared of upping calories and gaining. It's worth a shot though. Thank you!
  • Ah, thank you so much for your response! I do kinda let myself go over the 1200 especially on days where I do Insanity. My body just seems to be so picky, I get scared when it comes to adding more calories, cause I don't want to go overboard. Where can you find your protein drink?