it_guy_nb Member


  • I just cashed out $263 on Pact (haven't seen the PayPal yet). Already off the wagon on walking 10k steps, logging calories and eating veggies :) Looking for incentive & accountability alternatives that work outside the US. So far the only one I see is DietBet.
  • I debated buying a FitBit and managed to get a Zip for free at work. Best tool I've used in a really long time. Dropped 33 pounds after a full 1 year MFP weight plateau trying to use various TDEE calcs. You never really know your activity until you put an activity tracker on. My co-worker's cousin dropped 130 pounds with…
  • I have the FitBit Zip and only use it for non-sleeping hours since it doesn't do sleep tracking. So I guess that means I wear it 16/7 and I've been doing that for a year. After I left the house for work yesterday I realized I forgot it and actually looped back! I depend on the calorie feedback it provides. Love it so much,…
  • Sort of, I am eating my own food choices with the recommended 1,600 calories and ratio of 50% carb, 25% protein and 25% fat. No frozen dinners like he mentions.
  • Well no soreness after my 1st work out, but I did lose 3.2 pounds of fat in the last 3 days so that is pretty impressive. The bodyfat scale shows a slight 0.4 loss in LBM, so today on my 2nd workout I'm going to crank things up.
  • I just tried a workout today and the blanket 1600 calorie recommendation for all males (which i find overly general but gives me a deficit anyway). For the workout, I started with 80% of what I use for 8-12 repetitions. I tried to stretch out the reps to 20-20-20 seconds. After 8 exercises and about 24 minutes I was done…