

  • This definitely helps! I had set my weight loss goal to 2lbs, just as a goal-- and not really paying attention. However I don't really care what the weight loss is a week if I am loosing. I am also doing 30DS and Zumba, and I always eat back my calories. Mostly because I a starving from working out. Thanks for the help! I…
  • I have the same issue!!! Why is MFP tell me to eat 1200 a day when my BMR is 1500 and my TDEE is 1885. What is the point of MFP if it is telling my body to go into starvation mode. I don't mind to loose more slowly I just want to be healthy! Should we got by what MFP says or somewhere in between BMR and TDEE. I swear I…
  • Feel free to add me too, I have been on 1200 cals for about 4 or 5 weeks and lost around 7lbs! It was hard at first, but getting easier everyday. Planning meals and going to the grocery every week is key!