

  • Actually, after doing further research, you are correct about the differences in calculating caloric expenditure. However, the HRM can still be accurate if you are performing full-body exercise with cardio intervals. This would make the calculation similar to that of using an elliptical trainer with arms and legs at heavy…
  • I am a certified personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine :) From the sounds of it, you're right where you should be in terms of weight that you're lifting! Do you own a heart rate monitor? You can use that to track how many calories you burn while you lift. You might be pleasantly surprised at the…
  • Awesome! Thank you, I will check both of those out.
  • A slightly more accurate formula to determine your heart rate zone than 220-age is called the Karvonen formula. It is Target HR = ((HRmax − HRrest) × % intensity) + HRrest. It's also known as the heart rate reserve formula. Your true resting heart rate occurs right after you wake up in the morning, when you're still lying…
  • Like all fitness equipment that measures calorie burn, a heart rate monitor uses an estimate of what your maximum heart rate is to determine what the appropriate heart rate range for exercise should be. Even though a heart rate monitor is more accurate than the counter on an elliptical trainer, for example, it still uses a…