Hell no! If he loved her, he wouldn't want to change anything about her. Or threaten a divorce before they are even married. For any reason. Whatsoever.
Thanks! I FEEL about 70 years younger, let me tell ya!!
Thank you! And I am VERY sorry to hear about your brother! I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to lose a sibling and I definitely don't want to. I'm glad you're doing this for your health! I'm sure your brother would be very proud, too. I think that is THE best reason there is for losing weight (health) -- although…
Can you see the progress between this month and last month? (The holidays agreed with me.) I can feel it!
An interesting take on my story. The first response like this. Bitterness is something that I still deal with from time-to-time. But I had to make a choice: I could either let what happened destroy me and ruin the rest of my days or I could give myself what I truly deserve -- happiness. Obviously no outside source was…
Just thought I would post some updated pictures of my progress! Despite the holiday season, I am still at it!
Ya'll are making me cry (happy tears)! I was utterly exhausted and very sick with the tumor. I went out for drinks with my friends that night, and they pulled me out onto the dance floor (dancing is something I've always LOVED no matter my size). All of that moving around of my abdominal area did not agree with my tumor.…
Thank you! Especially means a lot when it comes from someone who is just as amazing!
Hopefully this shows up properly... The picture on the left was taken in September 2012, after the tumor was removed (you can see how deflated my flab looks) and after I had just gotten taken off of the wound vacuum (the wound was still huge at this point), and the picture on the right was taken today -- wearing the same…
I intend to do just that! I've been video logging since Day 6 and will be compiling all of the footage together to create a documentary when I get closer to my goal weight. After that, I'll be posting weekly uploads as well. I'll post the information on my profile when I get it all up and running.
Haha! Thanks for the chuckle!
You're not doing anything wrong! We all lose at different paces, and 45 pounds is A LOT! Be proud of that, and keep doing exactly what you're doing! Thanks for the cyberhug! =)
It definitely felt as heavy as a bowling ball. A month before it was found, I remember feeling my lower abdomen and wondering why it was so heavy. And then I felt the actual tumor. It was hard and round. I was scared. I thought maybe it was just my intestines or something, but that's just what I told myself. Before I was…
Hey, you've lost A LOT of weight too! You'll get there in no time, and everyone is different. They always say, "Slow and steady wins the race"... But I say, "What race?! This isn't a competition. Go at your own pace." Thank you though!
Thank YOU! It IS so very traumatic. I don't know if I'll ever get over it, but it certainly teaches you a lot about yourself doesn't it? There was another girl in the wound clinic that had had the same thing happen to her c-section scar as well. I had a really hard time with it. I refused to look at the wound the entire…
Well I'm glad you took the time to comment here! It means a lot to me. It really does. Comments like these make what I went through worth it. Maybe that's strange to say? But it's true.
Funny you should ask that... Pretty much everyone that abandoned me is now back in my life. Some started trickling back in when they found out about the tumor, and I did get an apology from ONE person. But more starting resurfacing in my life once they found out about my weight loss. Now that I've lost A LOT of weight,…
Your comment brought tears to MY eyes!! I can feel your excitement just by reading your post. Thank you. I won't stop until I reach my goals! And when I reach my goals, I won't stop until I reach whatever new goals I set! And when I reach those goals, I won't stop until... Haha, you get the picture! The day I stop is the…
I've certainly had one interesting ride so far! And I just turned 27 yesterday! I'm excited to see what the next 27 years has to offer!
Thank you! I feel so healthy! I'm going to be turning 27 on Thursday, but I feel younger and healthier now than I did when I was 17!
I mentioned this earlier in the thread, although I'm sure it's buried in there somewhere, but I've moved around a lot and so has my family. My Dad and I were living in different places when we both got sick. When my Mom was sick, we were living in a house out in the country. We moved out of that house long before my Dad or…
Look at your amazing progress as well! I had to check out your profile!
Aww, thank you doll! Renal Cell Carcinoma (kidney cancer) is what my Dad had too. Hopefully they caught your Dad's in an early stage. I recommend that everyone does some research on cannabis oil/juicing cannabis as a cure for cancer. There are lots of remedies that purport to cure cancer, with lots of evidence to support…
To those of you that I didn't respond personally to: Thank you so much for the kind words! Glad to see that a lot of you have reached out and friend requested me on here. I can't wait to see what your stories are all about, too. I know I've lost a lot of weight in a short period of time (although things really started to…
Thank you for taking time to read it! =) I feel like this is just the beginning for me. I feel like I'm meant to do something great with the second chance I've been given. And I plan to do just that. I've got lots of ideas a'brewing for my future.
Although, from your profile picture, you don't look like you need to lose weight -- for your health, I would recommend maintaining a healthy weight. Because weight does have a huge impact on it. The heavier you are, the worse your PCOS will get & that's when major complications can arise. A lot of people will tell you that…
I still struggle emotionally and mentally with everything I've gone through. I've been through a lot of intensely traumatic situations. I feel angry about some things still. Especially about how no one believed I was sick. At the same time, I am so grateful for all that I've been through. Before my Dad died and before I…
We've moved around a lot throughout the years, so that would be impossible to tell. I didn't mention this in the main post, but I actually have an aunt on both sides that had breast cancer as well. Not sure if it's genetics or just fate. Guess we'll never know. I do have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (my hormonal imbalance…
*hugs* Sorry to hear about your Dad! This might sound a bit strange, but when I go for my runs I can feel my Dad and Grandma's love and energy surround me -- driving me forward, pushing me to go faster and farther. Haha, I cry a lot when I run. Happy tears, of course. I hope you can come (or have come) to a place where you…
It certainly feels like I did! Actually, that's something that is on my ever-growing bucket list: Climb to the top of a large mountain!